Interruption of Nature


TEAM: Kateryna Yevdokymenko   (Scouting Locations)
Tanyaradzwa Matseketsa (Photography)
EXPERIENCES GAINED: Visual communication 
Printing Techniques 
Information Design 

The project Interruption of Nature is a photography project which explored the city of Basel. We came across different natural surroundings but in all this exploration we discovered that none of the locations was free of human distraction or human touch. It was surrounded by urban elements which in fact affected the purity of the nature and that shows the temporality of nature. 

This series highlights the intrusion of pure nature in Basel, in stages which is from its uninterruptible state to its infringed state through framing the pictures. This series shows you that nature’s temporality is always being altered due to the conditions that it is enclosed by hence its state is transformed and obstructed. 

Basel Nature 
Cyanotype Printing Techniques. 
Cyanotype Printing Techniques.